Additionally, the film turns out to be disappointing even as pornography, as you really don't get much enjoyment or sexual energy from most of the picture. While they do a lot of gimmicky cinematographic techniques to make the movie look good, it also often falls back on the tired use of the shaky cam. Technically speaking, the film also has a few issues.though it is slick and 'hip' much of the time. So is the film good in any way? The plot that is pro-rape and pro-kidnapping certainly isn't good. And, not surprisingly, this film has earned a spot on IMDB's infamous Bottom 100 List. In other words, if you can't make a good film to get attention, make a terrible one to get attention. No, I think the filmmakers knew the film would get a lot of hate and anger.and as a result, it would get a lot of attention. Sure, it's irresponsible to make a movie promoting kidnapping and sexual assault.and I cannot imagine any normal person thinking this is a good thing or that it would make a good movie. I honestly think that the folks responsible for "365 Days" know they created an evil and dangerous film.and that was their intention. And, this weird rape fantasy ends up proving that in the end that the woman DOES want to be dominated, abused and forced to be a sex slave because the man is so sexy hot. If after this period she hasn't fallen in love with him, he says he'll let her go. A mobster has a woman he's never met kidnapped and when she awakens from the drug given to knock her out, he informs her that she'll be living as his prisoner for 365 days.